"Joy and pleasure are as real as pain and sorrow and one must learn what they have to teach. . . ." -- Sean Russell, from Gatherer of Clouds

"If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right." -- Helyn D. Goldenberg

"I love you and I'm not afraid." -- Evanescence, "My Last Breath"

“If I hear ‘not allowed’ much oftener,” said Sam, “I’m going to get angry.” -- J.R.R. Tolkien, from Lord of the Rings

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sarah Palin for VP


Joke of the Week.


If you want a good take on what's wrong with the left wing of the Democratic party in this country, read this post by Melissa McEwan.

I'm pissed at the Dems because it feels like they let Clinton get beat to fuck against that glass ceiling until she was black and blue only for the fucking Republicans to make use of her sacrifice. . . .

And of course, neither the Republicans nor the corporate press had anything to do with it at all -- it's all Obama's fault.

But mostly I'm pissed that John McCain and Karl Rove and the GOP shat all over a historic moment in our nation's history and couldn't give Obama one. goddamn. day. to be rightfully celebrated as a candidate of national historical significance.

Excuse me -- this is John McCain and Karl Rove and the GOP doing what they've been doing for the past generation or more. And McEwan expected something different in this campaign?

Do you start to understand why I don't go to Shakesville for analysis?

Ditto for Bilerico -- get this one:

One of my best friends and I have been Hillary supporters from the beginning. Today my friend e-mailed me to say that she might be voting for McCain because he picked a woman. How many other voters like her are there? I'm willing to say a lot. And if you want to call my friend a moron, let me pre-empt your attacks by saying she's a prosecuting attorney and was a nationally competitive debater for ten years. So this woman knows a thing or two about politics.

I know lawyers. I've worked for lawyers, gone to school with lawyers, hung out with lawyers, including litigators -- do you want to know how many lawyers I know who can't find their butts with both hands and a map? And why should a lawyer know anything more about politics than any cabbie? By the same token, creationists and the anti-gay right are star debaters -- but they aren't really concerned very much with reality or things like, you know, facts. If picking Sarah Palin -- who's nothing more than a trophy VP pick -- is a reason to vote for a completely and thoroughly anti-women ticket, someone's best friends are not playing with a full deck.

What we have here is a bad case of identity politics run amok, not to mention a seriously gender-centric worldview. Can we just get over ourselves for a minute and think about what other considerations might play a role in the selection of a running mate -- like complementarity with the head of the ticket, as well as ability to govern? And, dare I say it, some sort of expertise?

Publius has much more rational commentary at Obsidian Wings.

Aside from that, I'm not going to comment further on McCain's VP pick, except to note that the press will handle her with kid gloves, because that's the way the press handles Republicans.

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