Maybe not completely in residence, but feeling up to making more frequent guest appearances. (And thanks to reader PietB for his expressions of concern. I'm doing very well, Pieter.)
The one problem is still the schedule, which doesn't leave me a great deal of time in the mornings, and by the afternoon, my get-up-and-go has -- well, you know.
Now I have to pull a book review out of my . . . hat.
But, as a parting shot, my anime wish list (the next big passion, I can tell):
Haru wo daiteita: A classic series, a wonderful anime; I've only seen it through once, but it impressed the hell out of me.
Ai no kusabe: another classic, one that I'm going to have to steel myself for: from what I know of it, it's pretty depressing but I've seen enough to see that it's really well done. The visuals are gorgeous.
Gakuen Heaven: on the basis of having seen the last episode, I can say without qualification that I'm in love: delightful romantic fluff. Give me more.
Loveless: of course, although I would have thought I had saturated myself by now. However, I seem to be able to keep going back to it. One of the two or three best BL titles I've seen.
Araiso Private High School Student Council Executive Committee: original manga by Kazuya Minekura of Saiyuki fame: bishonen boys with atttitude, and screamingly funny in places.
Sukisyo: more fluff, silly and cute.
Bronze/Zetsuai: looks edgy, rough and scary -- striking graphics.
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