"Joy and pleasure are as real as pain and sorrow and one must learn what they have to teach. . . ." -- Sean Russell, from Gatherer of Clouds

"If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right." -- Helyn D. Goldenberg

"I love you and I'm not afraid." -- Evanescence, "My Last Breath"

“If I hear ‘not allowed’ much oftener,” said Sam, “I’m going to get angry.” -- J.R.R. Tolkien, from Lord of the Rings

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Stupid, or Disengenuous? (Updated)

Meg Whitman, who wants to be the GOP candidate for governor of California, came up with this priceless bit of -- well, something:

So as you know I am pro-civil union and not for gay marriage. And just for me, that term marriage, for me needs to be between a man and a woman...I do not feel it is a slap in the face [to millions of gay and lesbian Americans]. I had a terrific record at eBay, an excellent work environment for people of all different backgrounds and all walks of life. And as I said I am pro-civil union.

I bet she has gay friends, too.

Think about that in the context of this story, via Box Turtle Bulletin:

…The court ruled that the hospital has neither an obligation to allow their patients’ visitors nor any obligation whatsoever to provide their patients’ families, healthcare surrogates, or visitors with access to patients in their trauma unit. The court has given the Langbehn-Pond family until October 16 to review the ruling and consider all legal options.

The hospital's statement:

Jackson Memorial Hospital also issued a statement:
We have always believed and known that the staff at Jackson treats everyone equally, and that their main concern is the well-being of the patients in their care. …Jackson will continue to work with the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community to ensure that everyone knows they are welcome at all of our facilities, where they will receive the highest quality of medical care.

The phrase “everone knows they are welcome” stikes me as perhaps the most cynical statement ever made by any organization or individual.

Update: Pam Spaulding has more detail on this story.

(Personal note: I was born in that hospital. I almost regret it.)

Jim Burroway has the best take on Whitman and her ilk:

Whatever Whitman may wish to believe, I think we can all agree that the recipient of a slap is in the best position to judge whether he or she was slapped or not.

Do you suppose it's ever going to penetrate the hard-shelled mind of any politician of any stripe that no one gives a shit what their personal beliefs are until they try to write them into the law of the land? Even Obama has that one figured out (or did until Rahm Emanuel started running the government).

Update II: Add rapper Warren G to the list of those who just don't get it:

I ain’t against gay people. I’m just against it being promoted to kids. . .
I know people that’s gay. My wife’s got friends that are gay. I got family that’s gay. Cousins and shit. He cool as fuck. He cool as a motherfucker. He’s my homie. I just mean that on some of these TV shows, they got dudes kissing. And kids are watching that shit. We can’t have kids growing up with that. . . .but let’s keep it behind the scenes. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with it if that’s what two dudes wanna do. Cool. But that’s not bring that out into the world, where the kids can see that. We don’t want all the kids doing that. ‘Cause that ain’t how we was originally put here to do. Like I said, I ain’t got no problem with the gays.

Poster Alvin McEwen calls it "hypocrisy," but I don't think that's really accurate. I'm actually figuring cognitive dissonance somewhere on the scale between idiot and moron. McEwen spends the bulk of his post contrasting Warren G.'s remarks with the behavior of straights, especially the behavior of the African American community as reflected in the rapper's music, and he is in a much better position to do that than I am. I'm taking it back a step. Explain to me in rational terms, without reference to your own religious beliefs, what's wrong with two men kissing. Especially if you don't have a problem with Teh Gays. And why shouldn't kids know that it's acceptable behavior?

Jackass -- would you listen to yourself?

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