"Joy and pleasure are as real as pain and sorrow and one must learn what they have to teach. . . ." -- Sean Russell, from Gatherer of Clouds

"If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right." -- Helyn D. Goldenberg

"I love you and I'm not afraid." -- Evanescence, "My Last Breath"

“If I hear ‘not allowed’ much oftener,” said Sam, “I’m going to get angry.” -- J.R.R. Tolkien, from Lord of the Rings

Friday, April 13, 2018

Today In Disgusting People

The NRA's own Dana Loesch (and surprise! It does not rhyme with "roach.")

The National Rifle Association tweeted out one of Dana Loesch's NRA propaganda videos Thursday night, and social media commentators are neither pleased nor impressed. The video literally and figuratively evokes violent imagery, and in a stunning act of hyperbole tries to defend President Trump.

"We are witnesses to the most ruthless attack on a president, and the people who voted for him, and the free system that allowed it to happen in American history," Loesch begins. Originally released last year, it's titled "The Ultimate Insult."

"From the highest levels of government, to their media, universities and billionaires their fate will be failure and they will perish in the political flames of their own fires. their hateful defiance of his legitimacy is an insult to each of us," Loesch says.

“But the ultimate insult is that they think we’re so stupid that we’ll let them get away with it. These saboteurs, slashing away with their leaks and sneers, their phony accusations and gagging sanctimony, drive their daggers through the heart of our future, poisoning our belief that honest custody of our institutions will ever again be possible. So they can then build their utopia from the ashes of what they burned down. No, their fate will be failure and they will perish in the political flames of their own fires," she continues.

“We are the National Rifle Association of America. And we are freedom’s safest place.”

Well, yes, it's a little over the top -- probably a sure bet for the "It Was a Dark and Stormy Night" Award. As for the "most ruthless attack" bit -- think back over the years from 2008-2016. Just sayin'. (And as one tweet points out, Abraham Lincoln would probably disagree with her.)

The video is at the link, if your stomach's up to it. Also, the Twitter responses, which were not supportive -- to say the least.

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