"Joy and pleasure are as real as pain and sorrow and one must learn what they have to teach. . . ." -- Sean Russell, from Gatherer of Clouds

"If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right." -- Helyn D. Goldenberg

"I love you and I'm not afraid." -- Evanescence, "My Last Breath"

“If I hear ‘not allowed’ much oftener,” said Sam, “I’m going to get angry.” -- J.R.R. Tolkien, from Lord of the Rings

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Read this post by Dover Bitch at Hullabaloo on the media coverage:

But, as Digby wrote this morning, the media narrative is like a piece of Ikea furniture. The holes are already drilled, the dowels already measured out and there's only one way to put it together, no matter how painful it is to assemble it into its catalog-photo orientation. And in the end, of course, there are obviously a few screws loose.

For the loosest screws, we can always turn to Fox News, where they set the bar low yesterday, explaining that Michele Obama's speech actually re-enforced her negative image -- that is, when you replace her words with completely different words.

It gets better.

At Andrew Sullivan, you have to connect the dots. First, this reminder from a reader:

For God's sake - I have never seen such a group of hand-wringing nervous nellies! Has everyone already forgotten that the Obama team thoroughly dismantled the most vaunted and powerful Democratic family in the country? All of this talk about how Obama is wasting opportunities sounds awfully familiar. That's right! I heard the same thing during the primary. How did that turn out? Not so bad for Obama. This team has a strategy and they are going to ride right into the White House.

Keep in mind that everyone -- and I mean everyone -- has been moaning about how boring the convention has been and how it's presenting the wrong picture. Then think about the following:

Hillary Clinton moves that Barack Obama be selected by acclamation:

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright rips McCain a new one on foreign policy.

Even Sullivan has to admit that Bill Clinton's speech was a great one.

Biden threw out some red meat.

John Kerry gave the speech of his life:

If you look at what's developing here, I think you'll see that this post nails it:

My husband is a basketball coach, and runs the same offense as Craig Robinson. It's called the Princeton Offense, and it's all about constant motion on the floor, tight passing, back-door cuts, and disciplined teamwork. That's how Obama's run his campaigns thus far, it's been about timing, discipline, and teamwork.

When I sit in the stands, I hear people criticizing my husband.

"Why all of the passing? Why not just let X player take over? They're taking too long to take a shot. Don't listen to the coach, son, listen to me, I know better." But what those fans fail to appreciate is the overall strategy of the coach and the ability of the players to execute against it.

Obama's not an attack dog. As it turns out, he's got a whole pack of them, so he doesn't need to be. He can spend his time running the game.


Anonymous said...

I sure would like to see video of Madeleine Albright's speech -- smart, smart, smart woman.

Hunter said...

Your wish is my command: I've updated the post with a video of her address.

Anonymous said...