Because the bullshit is knee deep.
The impetus is that today the Tenth Circuit handed down a ruling upholding the district court decision overturning Utah's marriage ban, and a district court judge found Indiana's marriage ban unconstitutional.
The reaction from the usual suspects is, you might imagine, apoplectic. Brian Brown, for a change, sounds almost rational. Well, as rational as he can manage these days. He must still be glowing from the success of his March for Marriage, when20,000 -- uh, 10,000 -- well, almost 2,000 (maybe) "supporters of marriage" were bussed in after being told they were getting a free sight-seeing trip to the nation's capital.
This time, the real hyperbole is coming from other sources -- first, the always mendacious Tony Perkins:
There's more, of course -- gotta get Roe v. Wade in there, even though it has nothing to do with marriage rights.
Maybe I should explain something to Mr. Perkins: people who were being harmed by marriage laws founded on prejudice and lacking rational basis went to court, the defenders of those laws had their chance to defend, and our side won. That's the rule of law. It's a little different in a secular society than just saying "Because God says so," but that's the way things work here.
And at the risk of repeating myself, not to mention a number of Supreme Court decisions, the rights of minorities are not subject to "the democratic process."
The real prize today is Bryan Fischer wannabe Matt Barber, via Joe.My.God.:
I find the idea that the federal courts are subversive to be a little beyond hysterically funny. And do note that he felt it necessary to define "oligarchy" for his readers. Someone should remind him that if he keeps using big words, he's going to lose his audience. The rest of it is fully up to Fischer standards, except he forgot to pull in the End Times.
Of course, the thread running through all three screeds is the contempt these men have for the American system, especially the very idea of an independent judiciary. But then, it seems that evangelical "Christians" are must as much control freaks as Catholics are.
The impetus is that today the Tenth Circuit handed down a ruling upholding the district court decision overturning Utah's marriage ban, and a district court judge found Indiana's marriage ban unconstitutional.
The reaction from the usual suspects is, you might imagine, apoplectic. Brian Brown, for a change, sounds almost rational. Well, as rational as he can manage these days. He must still be glowing from the success of his March for Marriage, when
This time, the real hyperbole is coming from other sources -- first, the always mendacious Tony Perkins:
While disturbing, today's rulings come as no surprise given the rising disdain for the rule of law promoted by the Obama administration. These latest rulings are not just about redefining marriage but they are a further attempt by the courts to untether our public policies from the democratic process, as well as the anthropological record. While judges can, by judicial fiat, declare same-sex 'marriage' legal, they will never be able to make it right. The courts, for all their power, can't overturn natural law. What they can do is incite a movement of indignant Americans, who are tired of seeing the foundations of a free and just society destroyed by a handful of black-robed tyrants.
There's more, of course -- gotta get Roe v. Wade in there, even though it has nothing to do with marriage rights.
Maybe I should explain something to Mr. Perkins: people who were being harmed by marriage laws founded on prejudice and lacking rational basis went to court, the defenders of those laws had their chance to defend, and our side won. That's the rule of law. It's a little different in a secular society than just saying "Because God says so," but that's the way things work here.
And at the risk of repeating myself, not to mention a number of Supreme Court decisions, the rights of minorities are not subject to "the democratic process."
The real prize today is Bryan Fischer wannabe Matt Barber, via Joe.My.God.:
Federal courts in Indiana and Utah on Wednesday blatantly disregarded the will of the people and subversively imposed same-sex “marriage” on the citizens of both states. The judicial oligarchy (tyranny of the few) continues flexing the muscle of its apparently unchecked power. The death of democracy is undeniably upon us. Each victory for the homosexual activists represents another nail in America’s coffin. The light of morality and freedom is being brutishly snuffed out right before our very eyes. It’s a national tragedy unfolding at an accelerating pace.
I find the idea that the federal courts are subversive to be a little beyond hysterically funny. And do note that he felt it necessary to define "oligarchy" for his readers. Someone should remind him that if he keeps using big words, he's going to lose his audience. The rest of it is fully up to Fischer standards, except he forgot to pull in the End Times.
Of course, the thread running through all three screeds is the contempt these men have for the American system, especially the very idea of an independent judiciary. But then, it seems that evangelical "Christians" are must as much control freaks as Catholics are.